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Russian Politics and Society
  Großes Bild
Russian Politics and Society
von: Richard Sakwa
Routledge, 1996
ISBN: 9780203208168
520 Seiten, Download: 3650 KB
Format:  PDF
geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop

Typ: B (paralleler Zugriff)


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Richard Sakwa’s Russian Politics and Society is the most comprehensive study of Russia’s postcommunist political development. It has, since its first publication in 1993, become an indispensable guide for all those who need to know about the current political scene in Russia, about the country’s political stability and about the future of democracy under its post-communist leadership.

This is the ideal introductory textbook: it covers all the key issues; it is clearly written; and it includes the most up-to-date material currently available.

For this second edition, Richard Sakwa has updated the text throughout and restructured its presentation so as to emphasize the ongoing struggle for stability in Russia over the last five years.

This edition includes:

– the full text of the constitution of 1993
– new material on recent elections, the new parliament(State Duma and Federation Council),the development of the presidency and an evaluation of the country’s political evolution during the 1990s – up-to-date details on the development of a federal system and on local government a thoroughly updated bibliography.

This new and revised edition consolidates the reputation of Russian Politics and Society as the single most comprehensive standard textbook on post-Soviet Russia. 

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