Die verlorene Gemeinschaft - Der Protestantismus und die Integration der Vertriebenen in die westdeutsche Gesellschaft (1945-1972)
von: Felix Teuchert
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress, 2018
ISBN: 9783647570563
556 Seiten,
Download: 4141 KB
Format: PDF
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Typ: A (einfacher Zugriff)
Kurzinformation |
The integration of 8 million displaced persons affected West German Protestantism. Millions had to be integrated into the West German evangelical church communities. Different pious cultures clashed sharply in the communities; the various internal Protestant confessions caused considerable conflicts. Which integration concepts were discussed in Protestantism? What did society hold together? How did Protestant actors influence the political process and what role did religious actors play? This work deals with these exciting questions.
Dr. phil. Felix Teuchert ist Referent am Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Fachprogramme und Bildungsarbeit. riat am Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. |
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